Top 10 PHP Frameworks in 2020.

Top 10 PHP Frameworks in 2020.

PHP is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development. It was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994; the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group.

Here are the Top 10 PHP Frameworks in 2020.

#1 (Laravel)

The Laravel framework has a few system requirements. All of these requirements are satisfied by the Laravel Homestead virtual machine, so it's highly recommended that you use Homestead as your local Laravel development environment.

#2 (CakePHP)

CakePHP 4.0.0 is as tasty as other major CakePHP releases but will now require you to use PHP 7.2. With a refreshed application skeleton design, CakePHP 4.0.0 comes with a streamlined API making your development and application faster.

While 4.0 contains a number of breaking changes we have prepared an exhaustive migration guide covering all the deprecated and removed features as well as highlighting the shiny new features.

#3(CodeIgniter )

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.

Why CodeIgniter?

  • Framework with a small footprint
  • Simple solutions over complexity
  • Clear documentation
  • Exceptional performance
  • Strong Security
  • Nearly zero configuration


Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components...

The standard foundation on which the best PHP applications are built. Choose any of the 50 stand-alone components available for your own applications.

Symfony Framework

The leading PHP framework to create websites and web applications. Built on top of the Symfony Components.

Symfony Components

A set of decoupled and reusable components on which the best PHP applications are built, such as Drupal, phpBB, and eZ Publish.

Symfony Community

A passionate group of over 600,000 developers from more than 120 countries, all committed to helping PHP surpass the impossible.

Symfony Philosophy

Embracing and promoting professionalism, best practices, standardization and interoperability of applications.




Yii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework.
Flexible yet pragmatic.
Works right out of the box.
Has reasonable defaults.

Yii is Fast


Yii gives you the maximum functionality by adding the least possible overhead

Yii is Secure


Sane defaults and built-in tools helps you write solid and secure code

Yii is Efficient


Write more code in less time with simple, yet powerful APIs and code generation



Zend Framework is now the Laminas Project!


Engineered with performance tuning in mind. Zend Framework 3 runs up to 4x faster than version 2 releases!


Open architecture based on Middleware or MVC, following
PHP-FIG standards.


Built with security best practices. Store passwords using bcrypt, encrypt with AES-256, and more.

Enterprise Ready

A proven history of success running business critical and high-usage applications. Ready for PHP 7.




A full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C-extension

Its innovative architecture makes Phalcon the fastest PHP framework ever built!

Developers do not need to know C to use Phalcon. Its functionality is exposed as PHP classes and interfaces under the Phalcon namespace, ready to be used.


  • Low overhead
  • ORM
  • PHQL
  • Transactions
  • Cache
  • Views & frontend
  • Template Engines
  • Template Engine (Volt)
  • i18n
  • Forms Builder
  • Flash messages

#8(Fuel PHP)

The Fuel PHP Framework is a fast, simple and flexible PHP 5.4+ framework, born from the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start!

FuelPHP is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework that was designed from the ground up to have full support for HMVC as part of its architecture. But we didn't stop there, we also added ViewModels (also known as presentation models) into the mix which give you the option to add a powerful layer between the Controller and the View.

FuelPHP also supports a more router based approach where you might route directly to a closure which deals with the input uri, making the closure the controller and giving it control of further execution.


PHPixie is easy to learn and does not rely on automatic. You will always be in charge of what's happening.


PHPixie started as a micro framework and has gradually grown to be one of the most popular full-stack PHP frameworks while retaining its high performance. This is in part because of the strict architecture that avoids common pitfalls such as reliance on static methods, global scope, singletons, and other antipatterns, thus also ensuring that the code is easy to read, debug, extend and test. In fact, all PHPixie components boast full unit test coverage. It is the PHP framework that will never stand in your way and provides you with full control over execution flow, easy to learn and straightforward to master.


Slim is a PHP micro-framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = AppFactory::create();

$app->get('/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) {
    $name = $args['name'];
    $response->getBody()->write("Hello, $name");
    return $response;


 HTTP Router

Slim provides a fast and powerful router that maps route callbacks to specific HTTP request methods and URIs. It supports parameters and pattern matching.


Build your application with concentric middleware to tweak the HTTP request and response objects around your Slim app.

 PSR-7 Support

Slim supports any PSR-7 HTTP message implementation so you may inspect and manipulate HTTP message method, status, URI, headers, cookies, and body.

 Dependency Injection

Slim supports dependency injection so you have complete control of your external tools. Use any Container-Interop container.


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