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How do I access Express.js session variables in ReactJS?

In a typical web application architecture, Express.js handles server-side tasks, including managing sessions, while React.js is responsible for the client-side user interface. To access Express.js session variables in a React.js application, you need to set up and configure session management on the server-side and create endpoints (API routes) for the client-side to communicate with. Here's a high-level guide on how to achieve this:


What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Angular CLI vs. Webpack for building an application?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Angular CLI vs. Webpack for building an application?


What is the concept of closures in JavaScript? What are some examples?

Closures are a fundamental concept in JavaScript, and they occur when a function is defined within another function and has access to the outer function's variables. In simpler terms, a closure allows a function to "remember" the environment in which it was created, even after that outer function has finished executing. This is a powerful feature in JavaScript and is commonly used in various programming scenarios.


What are the benefits of Node JS Development?

What are the benefits of Node JS Development?


What is JavaScript? What is the introduction and first JavaScript program?

What is JavaScript? What is the introduction and first JavaScript program?


Top advantages of custom React Native app development?

Top advantages of custom React Native app development?


React Change Default PORT Number

React Change Default PORT Number.Three ways to change PORT.


ReactJs Complete Components - Tutorial

ReactJs Complete Components Tutorial


React New Official Documentation Updated

React team has launch react.dev, the new home for React and its documentation. Old website and docs are old and won’t be updated. Go to react.dev for the new React docs.


Javascript popup and window methods

Javascript popup and window methods


JavaScript ES6 Array Extension Method Array.of()

In this topic, we will cover the javascript ES6 array extensions method which is Array.of()


JavaScript ES6 Object Extensions - Object.is()

In this topic, we will cover the javascript ES6 Object extensions method which is Object.is()


JavaScript ES6 Object Extensions - Object.assign()

In this topic, we will cover the javascript ES6 Object extensions method which is Object.assign()


Javascript String replace vs replaceAll

In this topic, we will discuss the use cases of the javascript string method replace vs replaceAll.


JS-ES6 Important String Methods

In this topic we will cover ES6 important string method which is String startsWith() | String endsWith() | String includes()

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